free-spirited nerd

Practical Money Tips for the Free-Spirited Nerd

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Hey there! Welcome! My name’s Melissa Blevins, and I am a personal finance coach, teaching practical money tips to the free-spirited nerd. You might be wondering “What in the world is a free-spirited nerd?”. Well, Dave Ramsey, host of Nationally-syndicated radio show “The Dave Ramsey Show”, talks about a free spirit and a nerd and that they’re two different personality types. I’m here to tell you that I am both of those personality types in one person.


So the logical and practical part of me can sit down and geek out over the numbers and really knows what I have to do to reach my goals. I once created a budget projected for the next 15 years, when all three of my kids have graduated from high school. So many variables will come into play between now and then, and I know that. But I really enjoy putting pen to paper and seeing possibilities.


But then I have this other free-spirit side that tends to sabotage everything that I try to do. A free spirit marches to the beat of her own drum. Her wine cup overfloweth! 😛 She doesn’t care what others think of her and or her choices, and she prefers to let her hair down and be wild and free.

Free-Spirited Nerd: And Two Become One

A free-spirited nerd is a person that understands what needs to be done financially. They know how to save money. They have probably created a budget that projects them becoming a millionaire at some point in the future. But they always tend to struggle. They overspend or get distracted by expensive toys, cars, and gadgets. This is something that’s really held me back in the past. So acknowledging that a true mixture of these personality types exists is important moving forward so that you can actually reach your goals, whether you want to start saving for college or retirement, paying off debt, buying a house, or just stop living paycheck to paycheck.

That’s why I’m here! I’m here to help you to make better choices with your money. We are going to go on this journey together. And I’m so thankful that you’re here. I would highly suggest that if you have this free-spirited nerd syndrome that you subscribe to the channel. Be sure to click the bell icon next to the “subscribe” button so you’ll get notifications, and you won’t miss out on a thing. I look forward to kicking off 2018 with a brand new outlook on your future.

1 thought on “Practical Money Tips for the Free-Spirited Nerd”

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