10000 blog pageviews Monumetric

How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog

This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read my full disclosure.

Looking for a legit, newbie’s guide to blog traffic growth? In this post, I’m sharing the exact steps I took to grow this new personal finance blog to 10,000 pageviews in my fourth month.

I’m probably one of the newest personal finance bloggers on the internet, but I have learned quite a bit so far in my (almost) four months blogging.

I launched this blog on January 3, 2018, and after this month, I’ll be able to say I got 10,000 pageviews! (I get goosebumps typing that out!) I’ll share with you what has worked and what hasn’t so you can be on your way to growing your new blog.

At the bottom of this post, I’ll also share some of my social proof, including screenshots of my Tailwind analytics for my first four months as a new blogger.

We all know that the more traffic your site gets, the more money you can make from home from affiliate marketing and sponsorships.

More than half of my income here at Perfection Hangover is from affiliate marketing. The tips in this post will help you gain traction, but if you’re looking for a good way to finally monetize your site, check out the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course.

Before we get started, I want to share a major mistake I made when I first reached 10,000 pageviews on Perfection Hangover, and that is the fact that I didn’t sign up for Monumetric ad network soon enough.

In January of 2019, I celebrated my one year blogging anniversary. In my first year, I only earned $1,500 in total. It would have been easy to give up and quit.

The following month, I decided to apply to Monumetric, and during my first full month with Monumetric, I earned $453.48! 

I’ve now switched to Mediavine and am on track to make more than $1500 per month just in ad revenue alone. I shared about my traffic increase and the first full month in my Mediavine review

The fact is, I wish I had signed up for Monumetric when I first reached 10,000 pageviews (4 months into my blogging journey) instead of waiting an entire year.

I missed out on quite a bit of income and growth during that time, so please don’t make that mistake.

Your first traffic goal should be to reach 10k pageviews so that you can apply to Monumetric. Here’s how I did it and you can, too.

How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews as a New Blogger

New Bloggers’ Guide to Traffic

If you’ve stumbled upon this post but don’t yet have a blog, make sure you read this post on How to Start a Blog.

Bluehost is who I recommend when starting a blog, and you can get started with my Bluehost coupon for just $2.95 per month (this price only available through my referral link).

1. Be Consistent

Have you ever read Eat that Frog or The One Thing? Both books essentially talk about similar topics, stating that you must focus on getting the one thing done first thing in the morning, in order to make your life easier and more efficient.

“Eat that Frog” has gotten me through some tough, early morning workouts and oatmeal every day for the past two years!

As a Mom, I’m constantly pulled in multiple directions, and if I don’t get “the one thing” done every single day, the entire day will feel completely unproductive.

Writing every day (whether or not you’re publishing what you’re writing) is absolutely vital to your blog’s growth. I have a very conversational style of writing, but when I read the first few posts I wrote, I realize how far I’ve come as a writer.

When you consistently practice your craft, you will break through blocks and come up with content you never would have thought of had you not been putting it on paper (or keyboard).

2. Optimize Blog for SEO – Google

When I first started blogging, I knew I wanted to be intentional about using keywords that were being searched frequently on Google. By prioritizing SEO, I was able to get several posts to the front page of Google within a short period of time using this plugin from Squirrly.

In addition to Squirrly, I use the Keywords Everywhere browser extension for Chrome to search for keywords.

As a result of making SEO a priority, approximately 55% of my traffic has come from Google!

Click here to check out Squirrly. 

Quick Tip:

If you’re really looking to increase your traffic from Google, you need to check out Stupid Simple SEO – a course that teaches you how to steal traffic from your competitors. 

It’s legit, y’all. In September of 2019 my organic traffic was just over 7,000 sessions. December 2019 organic traffic was DOUBLE at over 14,000 sessions.

We are 19 full days into January and I already have 12,000+ sessions from Google (often receiving over 1,000 pageviews per day from Google!). At this rate, I should reach close to 20,000 pageviews just from Google alone this month! 

December 2019 Organic Traffic Perfection Hangover



How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog 1

This course is only open for enrollment four times per year. Click here to check it out

3. Leverage Pinterest to Reach 10,000 Pageviews

The majority of my audience is women, 25-35 years old. They spend their time on Facebook and Pinterest, so the majority of my social media marketing strategy has included these two platforms.

Pinterest is a GOLD mine and my #1 source of social media traffic! It’s where the majority of my 10,000 pageviews came from.

Canva is a graphic design website that’s so easy to use. Start simple in the beginning and don’t go crazy with the fonts. Stick to two bold fonts to start.

Tailwind has provided me the best ROI on the blog. So far, I haven’t invested much in my blog yet because I want to see a return on investment, but Tailwind has been a major life-saver for me and well worth it! I’m able to schedule my pins for an entire week within 30-45 minutes. 

Click here to schedule 100 pins with Tailwind for FREE.

Quick Tip #2:

My first year blogging I invested in a single course that cost over $700, so I didn’t have the money (and was scared) to invest in any other courses. I wasn’t making any money yet, so Tailwind and Convertkit were the only two services I could afford.

Now that I’m earning over $3,000 per month blogging, I’ve taken a small amount of my earnings to invest in growing my traffic. 

I don’t pay for ads, but instead, I paid about $40 to purchase a course that taught me how to use manual pinning to increase my traffic from Pinterest. And it worked…bigtime!

Carly Campbell has been blogging for a while, and I love how real and relatable she is. She has no desire to be one of those millionaire bloggers (like *ahem Michelle Schroeder-Gardner). 

She’s a mom who’s trying to provide more for her family, so she made her Pinteresting Strategies course super affordable, and her Facebook group is worth the price of the course. Being able to learn from some of the top bloggers is invaluable. 

I purchased Pinteresting Strategies in September of 2019. Pinterest can take a while to grow traffic (especially if you’re in a competitive niche like blogging and personal finance).

In my last full month before starting manual pinning, I received just over 4,000 pageviews from Pinterest. Hardly anything to get excited about.

I’ll admit that I don’t devote as much time as I should to Pinterest because I’ve been focusing heavily on SEO, but I have grown every single month, and just 19 days into January, we have received nearly 10,000 pageviews from Pinterest alone! (see screenshots below)

August 2019 Pinterest Traffic Perfection Hangover


January MTD Pinterest Traffic Perfection Hangover


Facebook can be a great source of traffic as well. I’ve found that most of my Facebook audience that goes to my blog are more engaged, staying longer, and exploring, thereby reducing my bounce rate.

You can set up a Facebook page in the business name and remain completely anonymous (if you’re having that freak out moment and aren’t quite ready to share your blog with your family and friends).

4. Guest Post and HARO

Guest posts are supposed to be a great way to generate traffic. Truth is, I would rather create content for my site and its readers that I can promote through my own social media channels than to rely on someone else to do it for me. I tried a couple of guest posts, and it didn’t really generate much traffic.

Guest posts are more valuable for backlinks than for traffic, which will boost your SEO score (EAT) with Google, so guest posting is important.

Help a Reporter Out is a site where journalists can request submissions from experts on certain subjects. In turn, the writers (you) should receive a backlink (sometimes they don’t link to you and those moments suck). It’s free to join, and it’s so valuable!

Affiliate Marketing as a Stream of Blog Income

In 4 months, I’ve made about $275 in total from my blog. If you’re promoting a product or service, make sure it’s something you believe in 100%. Also, make sure that it makes sense.

I purchased Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course from Michelle Schroeder-Gardner.  Michelle makes over $150k per month from affiliate marketing, and you don’t even have to have a ton of traffic to start making money.

Update: I’m updating this as of January 2020, and I now earn over $3,000 per month (and my traffic isn’t astronomical, y’all). Affiliate marketing income accounted for 27% of my revenue last year.

Social Proof: My New Blog Google Analytics

April 2018 Blog Traffic

I’ll start with this month’s numbers and go in reverse order since I’m still shocked! You can see from the upper right corner that the month isn’t even over! We’ve still got a day and a half before this number is finalized, but I’m beyond pleased with traffic growth. On the first of April, I thought to myself, “It’d be awesome to reach 9,000 – 10,000 pageviews this month”! Never in my wildest dreams did I think it could actually happen!

How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog 2

March 2018 Blog Traffic

How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog 3

February 2018 Blog Traffic

How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog 4

January 2018 Blog Traffic-First Month Blogging

How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog 5


Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

When I first started blogging, I joined Facebook social sharing groups to try to increase my traffic. Please don’t do this. These groups are often cluttered with bloggers of every niche imaginable, and they’re sharing your best pins to their “Awesome Bloggers” board. It’s super generic, and Pinterest will NOT reward you for it! 

Instead of seeking quick hits, focus on creating quality content optimized for Google and learn a great Pinterest Strategy.

The strategies I learned helped me finally break through my plateau and get accepted into Mediavine!

Final Thoughts on How to Get your First 10,000 Blog Pageviews

Once you nail down your blogging niche, your purpose, and start writing amazing content and promoting consistently, you’ll start seeing growth.

To recap, here’s what you need to do: (All links open in new window so you won’t lose your spot)

  • Sign up for Tailwind to explode your Pinterest traffic.
  • Write high-quality content that gets readers talking and sharing.
  • Get your posts to rank on page one of Google using Squirrly SEO

That’s it! In just 4 months, I’ve grown a blog from 0 to 10,000 pageviews by following these exact steps. If you’ve just started blogging or have been blogging a while and are “stuck”, give these tips a try and let me know how it works for you!

How to Get 10,000 Pageviews Blogging and Make More Money


67 thoughts on “How to Reach 10,000 Pageviews on Your New Blog”

  1. I just started doing HARO and have received a few backlinks!! Excited for that, but I notice I don’t receive much traffic from those links. SEO has worked so well for me!

    Thanks for these tips!

  2. Hi Melissa,

    For someone who has been thinking of becoming a blogger or for those who have already started their blog but struggling to bring enough pageviews, this is a really great article. Thank you so much for the insightful article.

  3. Great Post! I have been blogging for a year now and reaching around 6k pageviews per month. Your blog post is quite interesting and enlightening, i realize that i still miss something to be able to scale to bigger pageviews numbers. Would love it if you can come to visit my blog and leave a comment or feedback. Keep up the great work!

  4. Hi ,
    I want to say thank you for this really helpful post , I’m new to blogging and my first traffic plan is to get 10k pageviews per month too .

    Thanks again ,

  5. Pingback: 2019 Blog Year in Review and 2020 Forecast | Perfection Hangover

  6. I just stumbled on your blog (from Pinterest) and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for offering actual tips. I’m a few months into blogging and seeing growth (!!!) but will be following your recommendations moving forward.

  7. Just the post I needed to read! Thank you so much for this well thought out post! I started blogging five months ago, and I am stuck with only getting about 10 views a month. Definitely I am doing things the wrong way! I will try your advice, and let you know what happens! 😊

  8. I can totally relate to the perfectionism thing. Your blog post has given me hope, and I’ve only been at this for 2 months. I have an autoimmune disease which makes it hard to work on my blog, but it’s definitely coming along. Thank you!

    1. Keep working at it, Adrienne! My niece and sister have compromised immune systems as well, and I know it is exhausting! Some days are better than others, and you really have to take advantage of the days you’re feeling good! 🙂

  9. Just the right thing I came across! Its been 10 days since I posted my first blog post and I have 650 page views. I will definitely use what you mentioned above! It’s so inspiring!

  10. THANK YOU! This post was actually helpful. As a new blogger it is hard to find actual good content posts to help guide you in your new journey as a blogger and that isn’t just fluff or say the same things as everyone else. I really appreciate you sharing some names of facebook groups.

  11. Hi!

    I was wondering if you have any advice for my current situation:

    I’ve had my website/blog for over 6 years, and I’ve never gotten over 1,000 views in a month, despite trying (not even kidding) everything you mentioned in the post. I’ve done Tailwind, Pinterest, Consistent posting, reddit, facebook, twitter, EVERYTHING. Even SEO research and optimization.

    I feel like I’ve worked the motions, as every blogger does, and while others have skyrocketed their growth, I’m left in the dust STILL after 6 years. Do you have any advice? I did just do a relaunch of my website, cleaning it up a bit and starting the blog essentially from scratch. I’m hoping this redirection might help, but views are still sparse or nonexistent. HELP! Please…

    Jinapher Hoffman

    1. Hi, Jinapher! Keep writing! You need to be publishing consistently. If your “thing” is digital marketing, write as many posts as you can about that subject, using long tail keywords with 100-1000 searches per month to start out. Create 3-5 pins and amazing titles like “17 Grave Mistakes You’re Making on Your Blog and How to Fix Them”. Just keep going! It’s incredible that you’ve stuck with it for this long!

    1. Thank you! Yes, it took a lot of hard work. I’ll tell you…one thing that was a massive waste of time was participating in those blog share groups on Facebook. Once I stopped doing that and started focusing on promotion and outreach, numbers started to go up. Tailwind and SEO for the win! Oh…and backlinks!

  12. Ah yes Melissa; prayer and meditation. Folks fail to embrace sometimes how my blogging success roots itself in exercise, deep yin yoga and through self-reflection. What we do is energy work; feel fears, clear ’em, vibe higher, write, create and connect. Simple journey, and sometimes not too comfortable LOL. Rocking post!


  13. Great post and congrats! That’s so inspiring. I’m about 2 months in and struggling to get traffic. I’m definitely gonna try Tailwind now. Please let me know how the Affiliate course benefits for you.
    I’m also happy to find a financial post and avid pinner that is neither gimmicky or offers or superficial advices. I felt that your posts had depth.
    I hope we can be blogging friends.

  14. This is extremely helpful. Congratulations, by the way! I’ve been working on my blog for about 1 year and a half and have about 2,000 views a month. I need and want more, but feel stuck. I’ve taken classes, webinars, and purchased Tailwind. I hope to see an increase soon and I will also try these tricks. Thanks!

    1. Thank you very much, Crystal! Blogging is such a long game! We have our awesome days and weeks of traffic and then there are lows, too. Let me know if you have any questions as you are implementing these strategies!

  15. Very insightful post, thank you for sharing your strategies.. I have been trying to utilize Reddit lately and I find it very difficult as self-promotion is generally frowned upon so it’s important to find the correct threads to post on. I am going to check out your recommendation through Your Money Geek, too.. thanks!

    1. Yes, Sami! I didn’t either until my friend Michael at Your Money Geek taught me a few tricks. I’m putting my exact steps to a successful blog post into a course. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!

    1. Hey Suzanne! I actually don’t know anything about Squarespace at all. I’m so sorry! What I CAN say is regardless your platform, the book Make your First Affiliate Sale in 24 Hours gave me several tips for social media promotion and the past few days, since implementing the changes, my numbers have risen. I am an affiliate, so this is my link. But take a look for yourself and see if it’s something that might help <3

  16. It’s so crazy when you realize how much goes into making money as blogger. There are super insightful, thank you!

  17. Congratulations! That’s such an exciting moment, isn’t it!? I’m getting back to blogging from having my second baby and it’s so much work! You are doing great!

    1. Thank you, Alyssa! Congratulations on the birth of your baby! It IS so exciting but you’re right…so much work! Anyone who says you can make “thousands of dollars from working 30 minutes per day” is crazy! lol

  18. Well done Melissa! Totally love committing to writing and your One Things. Mine; meditation, yoga, exercise, prayer, and chatting with wifey. Gotta get our energy right to really slay it, blogging-wise.


    1. It’s great for networking and building relationships for potential guest post opportunities and sponsorships. I’ll update when I’ve tested a bit more of traffic sources.

  19. Hi! I’m also new at blogging but, unlike you, I’ve been struggling a lot to get traffic. Thank you for your tips, I’ll try them all. Also, congratulations for getting 10K views! That’s amazing 🙂

  20. Great post and really helpful. I started really working on my blog two weeks ago. I created it a few years ago but didn’t really apply myself and wrote sporadically. I though I would try see where I can take it over the next 6 months. Went from almost zero views to 100 in first week, then 300 in second week. Starting week 3 and a bit apprehensive that it was a fluke. But I promised I would stick with it for 6 months and find the time.

  21. This was so awesome! First off, congrats on your success! That is a huge accomplishment! I know I got super pumped when I hit just 1K. I really liked this article though, because it wasn’t wishy-washy and you gave direct tips on what you actually did! I love using Twitter(but I’ll admit, it does depend on your niche. Go with your followers!) and I haven’t heard of the Squirrly SEO. thing. I want to check it out now!

    1. Yes Gloria! Twitter may be an untapped market! It’s all about building relationships wherever your avatar hangs out! Let me know what you think of Squirrly!

      1. Indeed the squirly seo plugin was second to non if was to rate it it , it actually make our work very easy holding us by hand with its live view as you enter your data. This plugin got us up there on the first page as fast as we never imagined. In terms of onpage seo this plugin is super.

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