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Remember that time I shared why I quit Beachbody coaching? After trying many different shakes, I’ve found an affordable Shakeology substitute that I think you’ll love.
After I quit the Beachbody coaching, my health and fitness took a dive. I was emotionally unstable, I was snacking all day, I had stopped exercising.
And my spiritual walk was suffering as well as my relationships with my kids and husband. You’ll have to read the post to get the full story, but it was rough. Beachbody teaches you that you can’t truly be successful without Shakeology.
This simply isn’t true!
Here is a Shakeology Alternative with similar sugar, carbs, and protein.
Affordable Shakeology Substitute
So what’s this awesome Shakeology substitute? It’s called Alpha ISO-27 Protein (Sea Salt Caramel Toffee) It doesn’t taste chalky! It actually tastes just like a Heath bar! There are three different flavors to choose from: Brownie Batter, Sea Salt Caramel Toffee, and Honey Granola. I have not tried Honey Granola because I absolutely love Sea Salt Caramel Toffee.
Update: I tried the honey granola, and it’s just okay. I still love the sea salt caramel toffee, but the granola tastes more like graham cracker crust to me.
Alpha ISO-27 is manufactured by Full Dose Labs, and you can buy it on Amazon. Update: Alpha ISO is no longer sold by Amazon, but check out Dymatize as a Shakeology alternative.
Keep in mind that this shake manufacturer doesn’t claim that its nutrient-rich superfoods will cure cancer (excuse my sarcasm), but it does taste good while providing a healthy dose of protein and keeping the carbs and sugar in check. Did I mention it doesn’t have a nasty, chalky taste like Shakeology? Now THAT’s just the kind of affordable Shakeology substitute you should want to share with everyone!
Related Post-Alert! This post about Why I Quit Beachbody Coaching prompted hundreds of comments from former coaches and current coaches who secretly wanted to quit. You can read 17 stories from ladies who walked away from Beachbody here.
What if I have Dietary Restrictions? Dairy-free, Gluten-free Options
If you have dietary restrictions, such as IBS, lactose intolerance, or dairy or gluten allergies, check out these Shakeology alternatives:
- Vega Protein & Greens [Multiple Flavors Available]
- GoldenSource Proteins Organic Blueberry Acai
- Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Organic Plant-Based Vegan Protein Powder
Life is a collection of memories and experiences. There are ups and downs. I am so grateful for God’s grace and am on the journey to a renewed spirit, free of perfectionism. Perfection Hangover offers the sober truth – no filter.
Hello! What flavor of the Dymatize do you recommend? Thank you!
Hi, Lisa! I’ve not heard of anyone complaining about the taste of any of their flavors. They have a ton to choose from, but chocolate fudge is my go-to. You can’t go wrong with chocolate 😛
Interesting post. There is a guy on the Instagram that is fairly nice, but damn he seems disingenuous. He talks about the program and pimps out the shakes. And he always talks up the group aspect. He follows those principles in your other post. But see, here is the thing, at 45, I’ve learned (finally) that fitness is all about me. It’s not to look good. Wear slick clothes. Turn heads. Fitness is very simple for me. It’s about time. It’s my way of buying back time. My way of watching my kids grow up. And you don’t need a support group. Or people. Or pats on the back. You have to look deep inside yourself and find that drive, that fire in that place we are sometimes afraid to look. I found that. I shed the vanity aspects and the selfish aspects of the chase. Ironically, I’ve never been more fit, more informed, and more helpful to others.
That’s such a great way of looking at it, Rod! You’re a wise man!!
Hi! Was wondering if you had the ingredient list (specifically how it is sweetened, as I can’t handle certain sweeteners (I can do stevia, but no aspartame) for the shake? I can’t seem to find anything of an ingredient list online, just the nutritional facts picture that you shared is all I could find.
I, unfortunately, don’t have a copy of the ingredients. I would recommend reaching out to the company directly to find that out. Wish I could help more!
This is awesome. I’m a former BB coach and while I still love and use the workout programs, I just didn’t love the coaching for similar reasons to yours. Shakeology actually helped my husband’s Chrons go into and stay in remission but it just became wayyy too expensive! We found Orgain at Costco and it is so much cheaper than Shakeology and is vegan. We have dairy intolerant kids so we just stick to that instead of whey based. Orgain recently came out with a Superfood version of their protein powder and it’s even more comparable to Shakeology now because of that addition. It hasn’t done what Shakeology did for the Chrons but my hubby has successfully built huge muscles while drinking it and my kids love it in smoothies. All the other non-dairy options you gave are good too, and btw your daily breakfast is one of my favorites!! Thank you for your blog and vlogs!!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I haven’t heard of Orgain, but we don’t have a local Costco here, so that’s probably why 😛 Thanks for sharing!!
I’m actually a Beachbody coach right now. A girlfriend and I decided to join together back in 2011 and we’ve recently been contemplating quitting. As the coach pool has swelled, earnings are going down. (We aren’t “team building” coaches) The only thing that stops me? I love a lot of their workouts and I go back and forth between those and heavy lifting so it’s nice to get the discount and earn a little money from something I stand behind.
I’ve had Shakeology but I’ve only purchased 1 or 2 times during all this time. I’ve tried several flavors and it’s just meh to me. And expensive. I’m also working towards paying off debt and spending that much on a shake isn’t feasible to me. To be honest, even if I had the money, there are other ways… Like you said you definitely don’t need one specific shake (or workout program) to be successful! I currently use Vega Protein and Greens in smoothies and I love it. Bought 2 from Target for $50 and got a $10 gift card back, lol. That’s how I like it. 🙂
P.S. I really like your blog. (Found you in the EBA group)
Hi, fellow EBAer! It’s nice to meet you, Mindi! The company has some incredible programs, and I really love their preworkout. If you’re going to continue purchasing products consistently, it may be worth it to continue as a discount coach.
Btw..LOVE the Target deals! They get me everytime! 😛